Nutrition for older toddlers



Your child is over one year old and his nutrition is each day closer to that of adult people. For this reason you should gradually introduce new habits, such as always eating at the same time, making him eat without help, and show introduce a variety of dishes so that he does not become fed up with eating.

Toddler milks and new flavours

During this stage your child will not need as many nutrients per kilo of weight as before, which means he may not eat as often or you will feel he does not eat as much as before. Also, and before introducing cows' milk, which it is recommended to be introduced at the age of 3, you can move on to toddler milks, also known as third-stage and fourth-stage milks, which have an adequate content of proteins, vitamins, and minerals and less saturated fat.

Combat monotony!

To avoid monotony at mealtimes, offer your child a varied and fun menu, which will help him view eating as something pleasant instead of as a routine. Some advice:

  • Make his diet as varied as possible with the quantity of calories suitable for his age and physical activity.
  • Teach him to follow a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle.
  • Don't use too much salt.
  • Milk and dairy products should add up at least to 500ml of milk per day.
  • It is important that he eats a proper breakfast made with cereals, milk, and fruit.
  • The eating habits acquired during the first two years of life will condition the following years.
  • Make your toddler get used to a regular eating schedule and avoid snacks in-between meals.
  • Mealtimes should be fun
  • Respect the levels of hunger of your child. Don't force him to eat.
  • Water should be the usual drink. Avoid giving him carbonated and sugary drinks.
  • Before the age of 3 don't give him whole nuts, chips, fruits with stone, sweets, and other food types that have choking hazards or that contain excessive sugar or salt.
  • Encourage her to eat by herself. It will be a challenge that will motivate her.

Stage 3 milk

Stage 3 milks are the best option for feeding infants aged 1 to 3 as a transition from stage 2 milks to cows' milk, which has levels of salts and proteins that are too high for the digestive system and kidneys of toddlers who have not yet fully-matured.

The in-between formulation of third-stage milks with low levels of saturated fats has a concentration of proteins and minerals below that of cows' milk, as well as being enriched with vitamins and minerals such as iron.

Child nutrition pyramid

Child nutrition pyramid



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