Prevention is always better than cure

Other risk factors

During pregnancy there are some habits that it is best to modify in order to guarantee the safety of your future baby. Also, some complications during pregnancy can be prevented by a change of habits, as we will now explain.


It is essential that you stop smoking or reduce as much as possible tobacco consumption, as this is a risk for the health of your baby. Amongst the problems you can cause are preterm birth, delayed growth, miscarriage, higher risk of breathing infections, asthma, eczema, etc. But look at it the positive way: It is the best time to stop smoking, both for your health and your baby's health. You can seek advice from your doctor, as he can help you stop smoking.


Alcohol is detrimental to the foetus, so it is best to stop drinking at least during pregnancy and breastfeeding. This way you will avoid unnecessary risk.

Other substances

We recommend not taking any types of medicine without first asking your gynaecologist or pharmacist, as not all pharmaceutical products are allowed during pregnancy.


This infection is caused by a parasite called Toxoplasma gondii which is found mainly in wild and domestic animals that are in contact with nature, as is the case of cats, who become infected through contact with infected rodents and birds. This parasite is transmitted between humans and animals alike through the eggs that are laid in the faeces. 

Toxoplasmosis tends not to cause symptoms or its symptoms are similar to those of a flu. In fact, it is common to mistake them for a cold or flu. It tends to not pose any risk if you are otherwise healthy, but it can be very harmful for the foetus during the first quarter of pregnancy, as it may cause malformations, especially in the brain. Your doctor can test you to see if and when you have had this infection in the past. Here is some advice on avoiding becoming infected:

  • Do not eat raw meat or meat cooked rare. High cooking temperatures kill the parasite.
  • Avoid cured meats that have not been treated with heat during their manufacturing process. There is no guarantee that salted meats cannot be infected.
  • Wash all vegetables and other raw ingredients with care.
  • Carefully wash your hands and all kitchen utensils.
  • If you are planning to touch the soil of your plants, use gloves, as this is one of the places you may find the parasite's eggs.
  • If you have cats, don't dispose of their litter yourself. Let someone else do it.

Gestational diabetes

The physical and metabolic changes your body undergoes, together with an increase in the nutritional needs of your baby may cause a situation where your organism is unable to control the levels of glucose in your blood. This happens because the quantity of insulin required (the substance that regulates the sugar in your blood) may triple and your body might not be able to produce enough quantity, or the insulin that has been produced may be unable to carry out its function properly. This is what is known as gestational diabetes.

Risk factors are the following: Pregnancy in women over the age of 35, being overweight, a family history of diabetes or gestational diabetes, although in many cases it occurs spontaneously. 

To check for this condition, you should undergo the O'Sullivan test between Week 24 and Week 28. This tests for the levels of sugar by administering a sugary solution and analysing the evolution of the sugar levels in the blood during a given time period, which produces what is known as the blood sugar curve. 

To control your levels of sugar in your blood, especially in the case of gestational diabetes, you might find helpful the following pieces of advice:

  • Reduce carbohydrates, such as bread, pasta, potatoes, and especially sugary products, such as biscuits, jam, honey, and cakes.
  • Eat 5 meals a day and include in your diet fibre-rich food.
  • Leave aside temporarily fried food and fats.
  • Keep your diet in check and make sure it is healthy and balanced.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Practice sport, but always in accordance with the stage of your pregnancy and your physical condition.

In case of any doubt related to diet, seek advice from your doctor.

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