New habits mean new discomforts



A change of habits brings with it the disappearance of discomforts typical of the initial months, but it also creates new ones. Things such as learning to walk, teething, a new diet, a change of schedule and of location are new adventures that bring with them many things. We will tell you the most important ones.

Learning to feel better


If her stools are hard and infrequent, a good solution is to increase fibre consumption via fruit and vegetables. This tends to reduce the cases of constipation, as the consistency of stools decreases thanks to the water absorption of fibre, and this increases the size of chyme and reduces its consistency. Being resistant to digestion enzymes, the fibre makes the chyme go through the gastrointestinal tract without modifying its composition, and so making it easier to get rid of.


What can you do in case of constipation?

  • You can increase the fibre content of your baby's diet.
  • Seek advice from your paediatrician or pharmacist. You may be advised by a professional to use infant formula of type AE or wholegrain cereal baby food (enriched with non-soluble fibre, as well as the soluble fibre inulin).
  • Get rid of astringent food that is the cause of hard stools, such as bananas, peeled apples, carrots, and rice.
  • Give your baby a massage or place her on her back, grab her legs and rotate them in fast circles. This will stimulate the muscles in her abdomen and will help bowel transit.
  • But do not use solutions such as stimulation, glycerine suppositories, or other pharmaceutical products without your paediatrician's approval, as they may create a habit or cause chronic constipation.


Babies who go to kindergarten tend to have gastrointestinal disorders more frequently. One of the most common is diarrhoea, which is characterized by a reduction in the consistency of stools and an increase of their frequency, which has the risk of causing dehydration and may be accompanied by complications such as sickness and loss of appetite.

Diarrhoea, as with coughing, is actually the defenses' response that helps to eliminate the harmful microorganisms that have colonized the baby's bowels. It tends to be only a passing problem, as the organism is able to destroy the virus in a matter of days.


How can you help alleviate the symptoms?

  • Keep the baby hydrated by giving her lots of water and juice, and if necessary you can resort to oral rehydration solutions.
  • Try your best to feed your baby during this period. She will no doubt lose her appetite, so you will have to find a way of awakening it again.
  • Astringent food may be helpful, such as apples, bananas, baby food made from only rice purée or combined with carrots, which will make stools harder and reduce their frequency.
  • It is best to continue to use the same infant milk to fee your baby, but if the diarrhoea is severe or does not get better, seek advice from your paediatrician, as in these cases he will recommend using milk that contains no lactose.
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